Thursday, April 24, 2014

It Really Could Have Been a LOT Beta: Beta by Rachel Cohn

Title: Beta by Rachel Cohn
Genre: YA Dystopia/Sci-fi
Pro-Feminist Content: ★★
Rage-Induction: >:( >:( >:( >:(

Yet another book I picked out based on the cover.  I had no idea the author also co-wrote the Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist novel, but I understand that she's now contracted to write an entire series about the world described in Beta. Must be nice to have that kind of pull to lock in a multi-book deal when the first book is so awful.

On goodreads I did say that I'd bump up the rating just a little since I figure Cohn is a little out of her element genre-wise. That's why as bad as this book is, I'm hoping the feminist issues and shoddy writing get ironed out in the next book. Incidentally, the projected title for the second book--Emergent--sounds like it fits in better with the Divergent series, and seems titled that way to make people confused. Wouldn't it be better to name the book Alpha or Gamma or something? Or even, Beta: Insurgency or something.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Importance of Choices: A World Away by Nancy Grossman

Title: A World Away by Nancy Grossman
Genre: YA Contemporary
Pro-Feminist Content: ★★★
Rage-Induction: >:( >:(

After the lovely book that was The Possibilities of Sainthood, I was looking forward to another religion-themed YA contemporary novel. I thought A World Away would be a good second choice as its main character, Eliza, is Amish. My main line of thinking was that this is a fringe group that I know little about, other than my preconceived notions from media, and I thought again I would be pleasantly surprised.

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Realities of Immigrant Catholic Life and The Possibilites of Sainthood by Donna Freitas

Title: The Possibilities of Sainthood by Donna Freitas
Genre: YA Contemporary
Pro-Feminist Content: ★ ★ ★ ★
Rage-Induction: >:(

If you already didn't know, as a Hindu-raised person with a bachelor's in a science field, I'm not really the type who likes to be in the company of Bible-thumpers.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

(G)OOPs and A Hetero View of Gay Hate Crimes: Shine By Lauren Myracle

Title: Shine by Lauren Myracle
Genre: Contemporary YA Fiction; "Mystery"
Pro-Feminist Content: ★★★
Rage-Induction: >:( >:( >:( >:(

I apologize for the long hiatus. I've just found it hard to find any YA books worth reading. For that matter, I haven't found any books of any genre that were worth reading beyond the first chapter. I'm at a point in my life where I am too busy to stick with something that doesn't interest me, mainly because I don't have a commute anymore so there's no time to read.

I picked up Lauren Myracle's Shine after two significant events in my outside life. The first was getting jury duty on the day that Rutgers student Dharun Ravi was sentenced to thirty days in prison, and being witness to the ensuing brouhaha in both the Indian-American community as well as the gay community in Middlesex County. Full disclosure: I both went to Ravi's high school and am Indian (though I was older than him and did not know him), and I was an active member of my high school's gay-straight alliance group. It was while thinking about the gay bullying incidents that I decided to pick up this book.

The second was after reading Gwenyth Paltrow's dumbass Tweet about black people. The incident--and the reactions to it--were so mind-boggling that I knew that when confronted with that much stupidity, I'd have to take a stand. So that's why I decided to actually blog about the book.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Like an Episode of Teen Mom: Kendra by Coe Booth

Title: Kendra by Coe Booth
Genre: Contemporary YA
Pro-Feminist content: ★ ★ ★
Rage-Induction: >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(
There must be some kind of divine coincidence at work when you receive your new month's supply of the Pill the same day you begin a book about teen pregnancy. (Spoiler heavy, not like anyone else reads this thing anyway)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Forbidden Shitty: Forbidden City by William Bell

Title: Forbidden City by William Bell
Genre: YA Historical Fiction
Pro-Feminist content:
Rage-Induction: >:(   >:(

This blog is supposed to focus in on feminism in YA literature, and for some reason in the conception of it, I expected to focus on female protagonists.  For some reason, male protagonists usually slip through my mind easily.  I mean, I can barely remember the last time I read another book with a male protagonist.  However, according to my GoodReads list, this year 19 out of the 44 books I've read feature males as either the sole protagonist or one of a few voices (male or female). 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

I Shiver in Fear for the English Language When I Read This Drivel: Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater

Title: Shiver by Maggie Stiefavater
Genre: YA paranormal romance
Pro-Feminist content: ★ (That's one Susan B. Anthony Silver Dollar star out of five)
Rage-Induction: >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(  (That's 5/5 rages)

One of my biggest flaws is my Lookist attitude.  No, not when it comes to people.  I'm Lookist when it comes to books.